1.Schedule an appointment:To schedule an appointment use Schedule an appointment link on the left menu. Scheduling an appointment involves following steps:
- a. Select Mission (option available only for CC User. For Individual /TA’s this option is disabled.)
- b. Select Country (option available only for CC User. For Individual /TA’s this option is disabled.)
- c. Select location : Center can be visa application center (VAC), Embassy
- d. Select Category
- e. Click on “Continue” button to go to Applicant List Page.
- f. Applicant list: Initially applicant list will be empty. Login User need to add applicant/s before he/she proceed with appointment date selection.
- g. Date & time slot selection: After adding applicant/s, on click of continue, user will be taken to final calendar page where user will see appointment dates (in green) and holidays (in red).
- h. User can select the date and time slot and confirm.
- i. Appointment confirmation: Click on “Confirm” button in the final calendar page
- j. An email & SMS will be triggered to the applicant/s after appointment is confirmed.
2. Reschedule an appointment: To reschedule an appointment, user need to have the reference number with valid future appointment. User can click on “reschedule an appointment” link.
- a. Enter the reference number and click on submit to get the applicant/s details
- b. User can select the applicant/s to reschedule and click on continue to proceed to final calendar to select date & time
- c. Upon selection date & time, can confirm the appointment by clicking confirm button.
- d. Appointment confirmation message will be displayed
- e. An email & SMS will be triggered to the applicant/s
3. Cancel an Appointment: To cancel an appointment, user need to have the reference number with valid future appointment. User can click on “Cancel an appointment” link.
- a. Enter the reference number and click on submit to get the applicant/s details
- b. User can select the applicant/s to cancel and click on continue.
- c. Appointment cancellation confirmation message will be displayed
- d. An email & SMS will be triggered to the applicant/s
4. Print or Email Appointment Letter: To print an appointment letter, user need to have the reference number with valid future appointment. User can click on “Print an appointment” link.
- a. Enter the reference number and click on submit to get the applicant/s details
- b. User can select the applicant/s to print and click on “Download appointment letter” button.
- c. An email & SMS will be triggered to the applicant
5. Retrieve Incomplete Appointment: To retrieve an incomplete appointment, user need to have the reference number. User can click on “Retrieve Incomplete appointment” link.
- d. Enter the reference number and click on submit to get the applicant/s details
- e. Login User can also add applicant/s before he/she proceed with appointment date selection.
- f. User can select the applicant/s to schedule and click on continue to proceed to final calendar to select date & time
- g. Upon selection date & time, can confirm the appointment by clicking confirm button.
- h. Appointment confirmation message will be displayed
- i. An email & SMS will be triggered to the applicant/s